Jumat, 03 April 2009

Second Assignment on Introduction to Advertising



1.1 Purpose

This report was made due to the brand and product launching project. We launched calcium water named Mi-C. We have done some research before launched the product and its TV commercial to the market.

1.2 Research Method

As source of information, there are two research methods that were used:

· Primary Research : Questionnaire

· Secondary Research:

- Media Research

- Observation


2.1 From Questionnaire

We have already done some researches to know about needs and wants of our target markets (people age 13-18 years old). One method that we did is by sending questionnaires to 30 people who are our target markets. These are the facts of the result:

1. a. No one usually watches television from 8 a.m to 10 a.m.

b. There are four people watch television from 12 p.m to 2 p.m.

c. There are four people watch television from 4 p.m to 6 p.m.

d. There are 22 people watch television from 7 p.m to 9 p.m.

Conclusion: Most people (73.3%) watch the television at night, from 7 p.m to 9 p.m

2. a. There are six people stated that they were most interested in the music of a TV advertisement.

b. There are five people stated that they were most interested in the artist or model of a TV advertisement.

c. There are 19 people stated that they were most interested in the story/plot of a TV advertisement.

d. No one stated that he/ she was most interested in the product or brand name of a TV advertisement.

Conclusion: Most people (63,3%) interested in the story/plot of a TV commercial.

3. a. There are three people watch action films lately.

b. There are eleven people watch horror films lately.

c. There are six people watch comedy films lately.

d. There are ten people watch drama films lately.

Conclusion: Most people (36,3%) watched horror films lately

4. a. There are 23 people have only 30 minutes to one hour time from waking up until starting their activities.

b. There are seven people have one hour to two hours time from waking up until starting their activities.

c. There is no one have more than two hours time from waking up until starting their activities.

Conclusion: Most people (76,6%) are busy, they only have 30 minutes to one hour time from waking up until starting their daily activities

5. a.There are 22 people like to drink milk.

# Based on kinds of milk they drink, there are 3 kinds of answer:

(1) Eleven people drink milk powder.

(2) No one drinks sweetened condensed milk .

(3) Eleven people drink ready-to drink milk.

Conclusion: Most people drink milk powder and ready-to drink milk. They share he same percentage of 50%

# Based on their budget for a consumption of milk:

(1) Two people pay one thousand to two thousand rupiahs for a consumption of milk.

(2) Eleven people pay three thousand to five thousand rupiahs for a consumption of milk.

(3) Four people pay five thousand rupiahs to ten thousand rupiahs for a consumption of milk.

(4) Five people pay more than ten thousand rupiahs for a consumption of milk.

Conclusion: Most people (50%) pay three to five thousand rupiahs for a consumption of milk

b. There are eight people dislike to drink milk.

# (1) There are two people answered that they consumed supplement to fulfil their bodies’s need of calcium.

(2) There are eight people answered that they did not consume supplement to fulfil their bodies’s need of calcium.

Conclusion: Most people (75%) do not consume calcium supplement to fulfill their bodies’ needs of calcium

# Based on the reasons of their dislike of drinking milk:

(1) Three people answered that it was because of its taste.

(2) No one answered that it was because of its smell.

(3) Two people answered that it was because of its impracticality.

(4) Three people answered that it was because of their fear of being fat.

Conclusion: Most people doesn’t like to drink milk because of the taste (50%) and they are also afraid of being fat (50%)

Conclusion: Most people (73,3%) like to drink milk

6. a. There are 24 people will be attracted to try a new product which is calcium water.

b. There are six people will not be attracted to try a new product which is calcium water.

Conclusion: Most people (80%) will be attracted to try a new product which is calcium water.

7. We have done a research to find out what tastes of fruit people like the most. Here are the result (the lower the points, the more they like it):

Orange 68

Strawberry 63

Grape 88

Mango 116

Melon 113

Conclusion: Most people chose Orange and Strawberry as their favorite flavor.


a. There are 28 people that are interested in the logo above.

b. There are two people that are not interested in the logo above.

Conclusion: Most people (93,3%) think that the logo above is interesting.

2.2 From Media Research

2.2.1 Horror movies

From November- December 2006, most of movies showed in Indonesia’s cinemas are horror movies. Some of the titles are: Kafir, Tusuk Jeangkung, Hantu Bangku Kosong, Hantu Jeruk Purut, KM14, Rantai Bumi, Rumah Pondok Indah, and Pocong 2. Most of these movies reached the highest sale of that time and became the most-watched movies of the year.

In 2007, horror movies became more popular. Until we wrote this report, many horror movies have been showed in theatres. Few of them are: Lewat Tengah Malam, Malam Jumat Kliwon, Terowongan Casablanca, Lantai 13, and Suster Ngesot. The latest news mentioned that this year, more than 20 movies will be produced.


2.3 From Observation

2.3.1 Favorite TV Shows

From our own observation, most people of our target market like to watch these TV shows:

- Trans TV: Extravaganza, Wisata Kuliner, and Ceriwis. These three shows also have the highest ratings in the Trans TV station.

- Trans 7: Empat Mata, Infotainmet Siang, and One Stop Football. Global TV: American Idol 2007, Spongebob Squarepants, and MTV.

2.3.2 Main Streets in Jakarta

We have observed the most crowded main streets in Jakarta, and the area around Jalan Jenderal Sudirman is one of them.

2.3.3 Competitors

In Indonesia market, we have no direct competitor because Mi-C is a new product. Mi- C is the only one brand for mineral water. But we can consider milk and energy water as our competitor because they have several things in common. We have same benefit as milk, and the same characteristic as energy water. So our competitors are:

- Milk: Indomilk, Susu Bendera, Dancow, Ultra.

- Energy Water: Mizone, Vitazone.


  1. Because 73,3% of our target market watch TV at night (7 p.m. to 9p.m.), so we decide to put more TV advertisements in those hours. In the media schedule, we put more advertisements in the peak time.

  1. We place the advertisements in target market’s most favorite TV programs. They are Extravaganza Special Weekend (Trans TV, every Saturday at 7-9 p.m.), Empat Mata (Trans 7, every Friday at 9.30-10.30 p.m.), and American Idol 2007 (Global TV, every Sunday at 7-8.30 p.m.). Empat Mata show with its famous host, Tukul, has been a phenomenon in Indonesia’s TV scene.

  1. When they watch a TV commercial, 63,3% of our respondents pay the most attention to the story or the plot of the advertisement. So we make the plot of our TV commercial interesting and unique. The summary of the plot is: We send the message of how unpractical powder milk can be, so the model takes a long time to make it, until a ghost come and give her a bottle of Mi-C.

  1. Most of our respondents (36,6%) choose horror movie as a kind of movie they have been watched lately. So we choose horror as a supporting theme in our TV commercial. We present a ghost as an extra model, so it would get more attention from the audience.

Our decision to use a ghost as a model also supported by the facts that horror movies are really popular nowadays. Most of the movies that are played in theatre in late 2006 until early 2007 are horrors.

  1. 76,6% of our respondents are busy people. They spend only 30 to sixty minutes of their time from waking up until starting their daily activities to prepare themselves. So, we create Mi-C as a perfect solution for those people. They don’t have to take a long time to make milk for their breakfast.

  1. a. 73,3% of our respondents like to drink milk.

- Most of the people who like to drink milk choose powder milk (50%) and liquid/ready to drink milk (50%). For those who drink powder milk, we can offer them Mi-C so they don’t have to waste their time and energy only for making their milk. Mi-C is so practical, you don’t need to add any water like if you make milk from powder, and you also can carry it everywhere. For those who choose ready-to drink milk, we provide a new option for them. It means that they are a practical person, and they will be suitable for the product’s characteristic.

- 50% of our respondents who like to drink milk spend three to five thousand rupiahs to buy their milk. One bottle of Mi-C will cost Five Thousand rupiahs, so they would just spend the same amount of money to buy it as if they buy the usual milk.

b. There are 26,6% of our respondents who dislike milk.

- Most of the people who don’t like to drink milk (75%) don’t consume calcium supplement to fulfill their bodies’ needs of calcium. It creates an opportunity for Mi-C to help them get their daily need of calcium without drinking any milk.

- 37,7% of the respondents don’t like to drink milk because of its taste, while the other 37,7% feared that milk will make them gain weight, we create Mi-C in a form of a mineral water, and also has two flavors; orange and strawberry. It also has low calories and fat, so they don’t have to worry about gaining weight after drinking the product.

  1. Most people (80%) will be attracted to try a new product which is calcium water. So there is a hope that people will try the new product.

  1. Most of people choose orange and strawberry as their favorite flavors. So we decide to make Mi-C in those two flavors.

  1. 93,3% of our respondents are interested in logo below:

So, we decide it to use it as the product’s logo. We use bright colors to attract our target audience, and cow patterns to represent its calcium content, which usually we get from milk.

  1. Through our own observation, we found that Jalan Sudirman is one of the busiest streets in Jakarta. So we decided to put two of our billboard in the area. First billboard is located near Plaza Semanggi. The second billboard also can be seen from busway’s crossing bridge, where a lot of people walk pass it everyday.

  1. Mi-C has several indirect competitors: -Milk: Indomilk, Susu Bendera, Dancow, Ultra.

-Energy Water: Mizone, Vitazone

We create different advertisement from our competitors

Promotion Materials:



Kamis, 02 April 2009

Psychological Communication Assignment- Internal, Inter, and Intra Communication

Date: 9 September 2007



• Dari sisi management:
“Internal: For, belonging to or coming from within an organization.”
(sumber: http://www.allwords.com/query.php?SearchType=0&Keyword=internal&goquery=Find+it%21&Language=ENG&NLD=1&FRA=1&DEU=1&ITA=1&ESP=1 )
(Internal: Berasal dari, milik, atau datang dari dalam suatu organisasi).
Contoh: komunikasi yang berlangsung di dalam perusahaan tekstil; saat akuntan memberikan laporan keuangan, informasi tersebut hanya untuk orang-orang di dalam perusahaan itu saja.

• Dari sisi psikologi:
“Internal: Relating to the inner nature or feelings or of the mind or soul”
(sumber: http://www.allwords.com/query.php?SearchType=0&Keyword=internal&goquery=Find+it%21&Language=ENG&NLD=1&FRA=1&DEU=1&ITA=1&ESP=1 )
(Internal: Berhubungan dengan sifat asal atau perasaan atau dari pikiran maupun tubuh)
Contoh: Saat seseorang merasa kesepian dan tidak memberitahukannya kepada orang lain, maka perasaan itu hanya dapat dirasakan oleh dirinya sendiri.


• Dari sisi management:
“Interpersonal communication is real-time, face-to-face or voice-to-voice conversation that allows immediate feedback. Interpersonal communication plays a large role in any manager's daily activities, but especially in organizations that use teams.”
(Sumber: http://www.cliffsnotes.com/WileyCDA/CliffsReviewTopic/Interpersonal-Communication.topicArticleId-8944,articleId-8920.html)
(Komunikasi interpersonal ialah percakapan yang nyata terjadi pada suatu waktu, dengan saling menatap dan bertukar suara, dan mendukung terjadinya feedback. Komunikasi interpersonal memainkan peran besar pada aktivitas harian manajer, khususnya pada organisasi-organisasi yang menggunakan kerja tim)
Contoh: Pada saat ada rapat di suatu perusahaan, semua orang yang terlibat di dalamnya berkomunikasi satu sama lain untuk saling menyampaikan pendapat secara langsung.

• Dari sisi psikologi:
“Interpersonal communication is defined as communication that occurs between people who have known each other for some time. Importantly, these people view each other as unique individuals, not as people who are simply acting out social situations”
(Sumber: http://www.abacon.com/commstudies/interpersonal/indefinition.html)
“Komunikasi interpersonal didefinisikan sebagai komunikasi yang terjadi antara orang yang telah saling mengenal. Orang-orang tersebut melihat orang lain sebagai individu yang unik, bukan sebaga orang yang berlaku seperti yang biasa terjadi pada suatu situasi sosial)
Contoh: Saat kita mengobrol dengan seorang teman.. Kita akan berkomunikasi secara berbeda , antara orang yang sudah kita kenal baik (misalnya teman) dengan orang yang baru kita temui (misalnya pengemis di jalan).


• Dari sisi management:
“Intrapersonal Communication is defined as the communication process within an individual. The way that society communicates in our complex daily lives may only be understood after we are able to comprehend that communication utterly relies on our particular perceptions.”
(Sumber: http://zimmer.csufresno.edu/~johnca/spch100/intrapersonal.htm)
(Intrapersonal didefinisikan sebagai proses komunikasi didalam suatu individu. Cara masyarakat berkomunikasi di kehidupan sehari-hari kita yang rumit hanya dapat dimengerti setelah kita dapat memahami bahwa komunikasi sangat tergantung pada persepsi)
Contoh: Dalam suatu perusahaan, masing-masing pimpinan maupun bawahan memiliki pandangan yang berbeda mengenai suatu masalah

• Dari sisi psikologi:
“Intrapersonal communication is the foundation for all communication. It begins with language and thought itself, but includes our perception of what language and thought are.”
(Sumber: http://zimmer.csufresno.edu/~johnca/spch100/intrapersonal.htm)
(Intrapersonal ialah dasar dari semua komunikasi. Ini dimulai dari bahasa dan pemikiran itu sendiri, termasuk persepsi kita dari apa itu bahasa dan pemikiran.)
Contoh: Karena perbedaan pendidikan dan latar belakang, orang-orang memiliki persepsi berbeda saat ditanyai pendapatnya tentang suatu peristiwa.

Tugas Print Media Workshop - Kartu Lebaran

Saat Idul Fitri 2008, dosen mata kuliah Print Media Workshop memberi tugas untuk membuat kartu lebaran dari sebuah perusahaan, sesuai dengan style dari perusahaan tersebut.

Saya memilih untuk membuat sebuah kartu lebaran dari Hard Rock Cafe. Berikut hasil karya saya;

Bagian luar:

Bagian Dalam:

First Assignment on Introduction To Advertising

Date: 15 September 2006


1. Product : air minum dengan segala manfaat susu
2. Target Audience :
Gender : cewek/cowok

Age : remaja, kira-kira berusia 13-18 tahun
SES : A,B,C1,C2
Occupation : pelajar
Lifestyle : aktif dan dinamis
3. Promise :
Physical : Untuk tulang kuat
4. Rationale : Produk ini mengandung kalsium, mineral serta zat besi untuk mendukung pembentukan tulang yang kuat.

5. Tone & Style : aktif dan dinamis

6. Creative Idea : background music yang unik sehingga dapat mejadi cirri khas iklan
7. Sales Promotion: Setiap pembelian dua botol KaKi, akan mendapatkan 1 buah pin lucu, berlaku sampai periode akhir tahun.


Brand Name : KaKi (Kalsium Kita)

Slogan : Live Up Your Bones!

Promotional Poster:

Promotional Flags:



  1. How does this ad attract viewers’ Attention?

Pada iklan radio ini, kami mengambil situasi atau kejadian yang biasa terjadi dipagi hari supaya mudah diingat pemirsa. Kami juga menggunakan sound effect yg menarik dan background music yang sesuai dengan tone and style produk kami, yaitu young and dynamic. Begitu pula dengan pemilihan pengisi suara yang kami sesuaikan dengan karakternya masing-masing.

  1. How will it get viewers Interest?

Produk kami mempunyai product advantage, yaitu mengandung kalsium, vitamin, dan mineral lain yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh setiap harinya. Melalui iklan ini, kami ingin menyampaikan pada pemirsa bahwa produk kami sangat praktis dan baik untuk kesehatan, sebagai pengganti susu, bila dikonsumsi setiap hari.

  1. How will it generate viewers Desire?

Dalam iklan ini, kami sesuaikan dengan tone and style produk, yaitu young and dynamic. Kami memilih pengisi suara yg masih muda yang sesuai dengan karakter tokoh dalam iklan dan juga background music yang ceria untuk menampilkan kesan dynamic.

  1. How to persuade viewers to take Action?

Kami menyajikan suatu cerita pendek yg dapat menyampaikan dan menberi gambaran apa saja consumer benefit yg dapat diperoleh sesuai dengan promise kami. Kami juga masih menawarkan hadiah sebuah pin lucu setiap pembelian dua botol “KaKi” sampai akhir periode 2006.


(Sound Effects: Bunyi jam weker berdering, lalu suara benda jatuh)

(Background Music: Lagu Ost. Happy Tree Friends)

Siska: Aduh…telat..!

(Sound Effects: Suara ribut-ribut orang berjalan terburu-buru dan benda-benda berjatuhan)

Siska: Ma…aku pergi dulu ya…!

(Background Music: Lagu Ost. Full House)

Mama: Eits, tunggu dulu…susunya kan belum diminum.

Siska: (Suara kesal) Duh, aku kan eneg minum susu…emang mama mau anaknya jadi gendut? Lagian gak sempet ma, aku udah telat…

Kakak: (Suara Mengantuk) Ah..ada apa sih, pagi-pagi udah rebut?ganggu orang tidur aja..

Siska: Nih…Mama maksa aku minum susu terus…

Mama: Susu kan sehat, Nak..

Kakak: Aduh..kuno banget sih, sekarang kan sudah ada KaKi, minuman segar bermanfaat susu. Gak bakal eneg, non-fat lagi!

(Background Music semakin keras terdengar)

Narator: Dengan mengandung kalsium dan vitamin, KaKi merupakan minuman segar bermanfaat susu bebentuk air mineral. Memiliki tiga rasa: strawberry, jeruk, dan anggur. Bisa dibawa kemana saja dan kapan saja. Setiap pembelian dua botol, gratis satu buah pin lucu sampai periode akhir tahun. Tersedia di supermarket dan toko-toko terdekat. KaKi, Live Up Your Bones!

Siska: Ya udah, kalo gitu ini buat aku aja ya, daaaahhh…

Kakak: enak aja…Mamaaa….!



  1. How does this ad attract viewers Attention?

Untuk TVC ini, kami mengambil ide cerita yaitu bahwa susu sudah ketinggalan zaman. Dimana digambarkan seseorang yang minum susu namun proses pembuatan susu sendiri agak lama dan ternyata membuat enek si peminum. Kemudian ada seseorang yang datang dan memberikan KaKi sebagai pengganti susu yang lebih praktis.

  1. How will it get viewers Interest?

Musik yang kami pilih pada bagian awal adalah lagu yang berbit lambat untuk mewakili pembuatan susu yang lama. Setelah orang tersebut minum KaKi, lagu berganti dengan yang lebih cepat. Dialog yang dikemukakan oleh sang artis adalah consumer benefits, sedangkan narrator mengemukakan product advantages.

  1. How will it generate viewers Desire?

Seperti tone and style dari KaKi, yaitu young dan dynamic, maka lagu yang kami pilih untuk mewakili image KaKi adalah lagu yang bersemangat.

  1. How to persuade viewers to take Action?

Dalam TVC ini, terdapat beberapa promosi menarik dalam superimpose-nya, sehingga dapat membuat konsumen tertarik dan segera membeli produk ini.

Script of Storyboard

(Frame 1/ Adegan pembuka: seorang remaja perempuan sedang memegang gelas, bermaksud membuat segelas susu. Jam dinding menunjukkan pukul 12.00 – dengan latar belakang suasana dapur).

Music: ‘Bizzare Love Triangle’ oleh Frente

(Frame 2/ Remaja perempuan tersebut menyendokkan susu bubuk ke dalam gelasnya, jam dinding menunjukkan pukul 12.05).

VO: Apakah kamu masih seperti ini?

EFX: Bunyi detik jam.

(Frame 3/ Remaja perempuan mengaduk-aduk susu dalam gelasnya, jam dinding menunjukkan pukul 12.15).

EFX: Bunyi detik jam.

(Frame 4/ Remaja perempuan meminum susu yang telah dibuatnya sambil menutup hidung, jam dinding menunjukkan pukul 12.35).

VO: Atau seperti ini?

(Frame 5/ Remaja perempuan masih meminum susunya sambil menutup hidung. Terlihat tulisan “STOP” dengan efek zoom out pada tengah-tengah frame).

VO (dengan suara yagn lebih lantang dan tegas): Stop!!!

(Frame 6/ Tiba-tiba ada tangan yang menyodorkan sebuah botol minuman sehingga remaja perempuan tersebut terkejut. Sementara itu jam dinding masih menunjukkan pukul 12.35).

VO (dengan nada tegas): Nih, cobain dulu yang ini!

(Frame 7/ Si remaja perempuan meminum air dalam botol yang idsodorkan tadi – pada botol terlihat tulisan “KaKi” pada labelnya. Jam dinding menunjukkan pukul 12.40).

Light effect: Ada cahaya terang dari belakang.

Music: ‘Wind It Up’ oleh Gwen Stefani.

Running Text: “Dapatkan 1 buah gantungan HP keren untuk setiap pembelian 2 botol KaKi rasa apa saja.”

(Frame 8/ Remaja perempuan tersenyum gembira sambil memegang botol KaKi dengan label terlihat di bagian depan. Jam dinding masih menunjukkan pukul 12.40).

FVO: Wuih,,, seger!! Ada rasa buahnya en praktis lagi!

Music (volume lebih kecil): ‘Wind It Up’ oleh Gwen Stefani.

Running text: “Dapatkan 1 buah gantungan HP keren untuk setiap pembelian 2 botol KaKi rasa apa saja.”

(Frame 9/ Terdapat gambar logo KaKi dan di ujung kanan bawah terdapat 3 buah botol KaKi dengan rasa jeruk, anggur dan strawberi – latar belakang putih).

VO: KaKi, air mineral dengan manfaat susu, mengandung vitamin dan mineral. Tersedia dalam 3 rasa: jeruk, anggur dan strawberi. Bisa dibeli di toko-toko atau supermarket terdekat. KaKi, live up your bones!!

Music (volume lebih kecil): ‘Wind It Up’ oleh Gwen Stefani.

RUU APP dalam Skema Sistem Politik

Nama: Alta Windiana
NIM: 2006100141
Kelas: MC 10-5B
Tanggal: 14 Oktober 2008

Rancangan Undang-Undang Anti Pornografi dan Pornoaksi Menurut Skema Sistem Politik

Skema Sistem Politik RUU APP
(Karena RUU tersebut belum disahkan, maka untuk sementara skema sistem politiknya hanya sampai sistem konversi)

1. Tuntutan (Demand)
RUU APP menjadi sebuah kontroversi, dan tidak semua pihak menyetujui undang-undang tersebut. Pihak-pihak yang menolak kebanyakan dari kalangan aktivis perempuan, seniman dan budayawan. Beberapa diantaranya ialah:
• Ketua Komnas Perempuan, Kamala Chandrakirana, menilai bahwa RUU APP memojokkan dan membatasi ruang gerak perempuan. Menurutnya, kerangka berpikir di balik RUU tersebut harus diubah, seperti bagaimana RUU tersebut secara otomatis mengaitkan pornografi dengan perempuan, dan negara yang menganggap dirinya sebagai pengawas moral yang mempunyai wewenang penuh untuk mengatur privasi warganya.
• Komnas HAM menilai bahwa RUU APP berpotensi untuk menimbulkan pelanggaran HAM, terutama pada pekerja seni, masyarakat kebudayaan dan kelompok etnis tertentu. Karena luasnya penafsiran RUU tersebut (seperti misalnya definisi ’pornografi’ itu sendiri), dikhawatirkan akan terjadi ketidakpastian hukum yang akan merugikan masyarakat.
• Tentangan juga datang dari masyarakat luas, terbukti dari diadakannya berbagai unjuk rasa dan acara untuk menentang RUU APP, seperti Gelar Seribu Tayub (15 Maret 2006) di Solo, Karnaval Budaya (22 April 2006) dan deklarasi Masyarakat Bhineka Tunggal Ika (13 Mei 2006) di Jakarta.

2. Dukungan (Support)
Dukungan terhadap RUU APP mucul dari beberapa kelompok masyarakat seperti MUI, ICMI, FPI, MMI, Hizbut Tahrir, dan PKS. Berikut pendapat diantaranya:
• Ketua Front Pembela Islam (FPI), Habib Rizieq menyatakan bahwa banyak pihak yang berlindung di balik dalih kesenian dan kebebasan berekspresi. Ia juga menolak pendapat bahwa RUU APP merupakan islamisasi, karena RUU ini lebih merupakan akhlakisasi moral bangsa Indonesia yang mulai terancam.
• Pada 27 Mei 2006, MUI mengeluarkan beberapa fatwa yang diantaranya berisi tentang perlunya RUU APP segera disahkan dan agar setiap daerah memiliki perda anti maksiat.
• Ketua Tim Pengawal RUU APP MUI-Ormas Islam KH Ma’ruf Amin mendesak DRR RI agar mengesahkan RUU APP untuk melindungi akhlak bangsa. Ia meyakinkan bahwa RUU APP tidak akan merusak persatuan bangsa, tidak merusak Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, dan tidak bertentangan dengan HAM, justru sebaliknya dapat mempersatukan bangsa dan melindung masyarakat dari kerusakan moral.

Perkembangan Terakhir:
Karena banyaknya tentangan sejak pertama kali dicetuskan pada tahun 2006, RUU Anti Pornografi dan Pornoaksi disempurnakan dan diganti namanya menjadi RUU Pornografi, dan kemudian dibahas kembali di legislatif. RUU pornografi yang lebih banyak menyangkut tentang produksi dan distribusi materi pornogarfi ini dijadwalkan untuk disahkan pada 23 September 2008, namun tanggal itu kembali diundur.
Anggota Pansus RUU Pornografi Ali Muchtar Nabalin mengatakan bahwa RUU tersebut akan disahkan pada tanggal 14 Oktober 2008. Pada tanggal 8 Oktober lalu telah diadakan laporan pansus dan pemerintah untuk dengar pendapat antar fraksi. Dalam pembahasan tersebut Pansus RUU Pornografi kembali mempertimbangkan aspirasi masyarakat dan meninjau ulang beberapa pasal yang masih dalam perdebatan.